Why?– just a whim really, something I might like to paint, I
have always been a succor for miniatures that alluded to some kind of story and
interact well with each other for that purpose. Not always easy to find in
straight gaming figures, not without converting anyway!

When I started this piece some time ago it really was just a
practice piece to see how far I could go with Magic Sculp alone, as I do enjoy
to carve and scrape away with a scalpel blade, the harder more clay like
epoxies being ideal for this. As the Dwarf progressed to the final stages of fine
detailing, I did find the Magic Sculp appeared slightly translucent, making it
slightly more difficult to see the details especially when using Vaseline as
the smoothing medium. So I decided to add Procreate in different quantities to
the mix ensuring slightly firmer working putty with good detailing and more opaque
qualities. The second companion piece was then used to experiment on different mixing
ratios of the two putties all of which were successful and gave a good degree
of variation in uses and properties.
I have plenty more ideas to work
through, most of which are probably totally not viable commercially :-)
Don't be afraid to let me know what you think!........it can only help on the next ones...